Design Your Own Paracord Sleeved Fan Extension

( 4 Reviews )
Fan Cable Type *

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Handmade fan extension with individually sleeved wires.  Comes with one Wire Wrap installed in your choice of color for each 10cm in length. (30cm = 3 Wire Wraps)

4 Reviews

Kelly S 12th May 2020

A+ Qaulity

if your already buying custom cables you might as well go all out and get the custom fan extensions to complete your build. Like all their other cables these will not disappoint you and can't say enough good things about the Quality and price.

B Jones 18th Jul 2017

Recommend these Extensions

These extensions are wonderful, they are crafted as well as the PSU Extensions. The wire wraps allow the sleeves to be guided around components on the motherboard with aesthetics in mind, so the wires have flowing, steady curves without signs of looseness. What a time to be alive in this world.

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