Order 11900 - Acid Purple | Turquoise | White sleeving with Semi-Clear Wire Wraps

Order 11900: A Colorful Twist for Silverstone Type One Cables
In the world of custom PC builds, cables can be more than just connections; they're a chance to add style and flair. Meet Order 11900, where Silverstone Type One cables get a vibrant makeover.
With striking Acid Purple, Turquoise, and White colors, these cables are sure to catch your eye. But it's not just about looks; it's about quality craftsmanship. Plus, they come with Semi-Clear Wire Wraps for a modern touch.
At Ensourced, we know that custom cables should be a reflection of your personality. That's why we take care to ensure each cable we create is a testament to our commitment to quality and precision.
Order 11900 is an invitation to elevate your PC build. It's a statement of color and style, and it's waiting for you to make it part of your setup.
Ready to add a splash of color to your PC build? Order 11900 is your ticket to a more vibrant setup. Explore what's possible with Ensourced custom cables. Upgrade your PC build today!